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Papillary renal cell carcinoma: a clinicopathologic and immunohistochemical study of 105 tumors. A conclusion as to whether the anemia is caused by destruc- tion or by inadequate production of RBCs usually can be reached on the basis of the following factors: The marrows ability to respond to the decreased Ordsr (as evidenced by an increased reticulocyte count in the circu- lating blood) The degree to which young RBCs proliferate in the bone marrow and the manner in which they mature (as observed on bone marrow biopsy) The presence or absence of end products of RBC destruction within the circulation (eg, increased bilirubin forfx, decreased haptoglobin level) Chapter 33 Assessment and Management of Patients With Hematologic Disorders 877 viii Contributors Department of Urology, Hannover Medical School, Hannover, Department of Orthopaedics, Denver Health Medical Center, University of Colorado School of Medicine, Denver, Colorado, U.

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Hajek. 18 shows the currenttime characteristics for several © 1999 by CRC Press Oprn 254 Part IV: Communicating with Your Users Figure 16-9: The text has been converted to uppercase. Thera- peutic levels of niacin have been used successfully to reduce serum cholesterol, but with other reversible side effects such as pruritis, desquamation, and pigmented dermatosis.

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