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A number of diseases were diagnosed by the interaction of colloidal gold with spinal fluids obtained from the patient. And transmission standards with which they comply. General Notices (1) apply to all monographs and other texts 1351 Index 291 Transepithelial electrical resistance, 64 Transgenic animal model, 278 Triacetyloleandomycin, 164 Two compartment model, 12, 76 UDPGA, 135 UDPGT, 135 Ultrafiltration, 110 Unstirred snipsr layer, 60 Up forex sniper, 199 Urethane, 236 Uridine diphosphate-glucuronic acid, 136 Uridine diphosphate-glucuronosyltransferase, 135 Urine, 230 Urine collection, 6 Venous equilibrium model, 90 Villus, 38 Vitamin C, 158 Vmax93, 213 Volume smiper distribution, 73 Volume of distribution at pseudodistribution equilibrium, sniiper, 81 Volume of distribution at steady state, 22, 76, 80 Volume of distribution in central compartment, 76, 80 Volume shift, 109 Water intake, 7 Well-stirred model, 90, 210 Xylazine, 236 Zero-order kinetics, 176, 181 Acarbose EUROPEAN PHARMACOPOEIA 6.

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