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© 2003 by CRC Press LLC PRP IW ƒ™ pF UW ™ ™A Subject Index AC abdominal angiography 12 adenocarcinoma 55, 58, 92 adhesion 76, 102104 adhesive intestinal obstruction afferent loop 93, 107 air route 6 angiodysplasia (vascular ectasia) angiosarcoma 78 anterograde approach anticoagulant 64 anticoagulant ileus 63, 64 argon plasma coagulation device argon plasma coagulator (APC) arteriovenous malformation 78 automated sphygmomanometer B 75, 77 7881, 88, 89 86 87 25 capillary hemangioma 78 capsule endoscope 113 capsule endoscopy 9, 92 cauterization 80, 87 cavernous hemangioma (single or diffuse) 78 celiac disease 52 38 circumferential stenosis 69 clip 87 coagulation probe 85 cobblestone appearance 67 complication 18, 47 concentric insertion 42, 43 contraindication 11 Crohns disease 10, 63, 65, 67, 88 D diagnosis 51 Dieulafoys vascular malformation 78 difficult colonoscopy 11, 101 double-balloon endoscope 1 dropped hood 100 E edematous villi 68 electrocardiograph monitor 25 EMR (endoscopic mucosal resection) 109 endoscope balloon dilator 86 endoscope removal method 94, 95 endoscopic clip 86 endoscopic diagnosis 51 balloon 7 balloon dilatation 10, 94 balloon pump controller basket forceps 91 Behçets disease 63, 68, 88 benzodiazepine 25 Billroth II 10 biopsy 53 biopsy forceps 84 bleeding 9 blind loop blind loop syndrome blind pouch 107 blue rubber bleb nevus syndrome bypassed intestinal tract 73 107 5, Forex strategy revenge free download 73, 74 78 10, 90, 93, 240 Roberto Burattini The minimum set of measurements required to estimate these model param- eters was assessed after analysis of data fit and accuracy of model parameter estimates.

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