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Clinic-pathologic correla- tion in post carotid endarterectomy recurrent stenosis. The kinetics of the formation of oligocytidylates [oligo(C)] from the 5-monopho- sphorimidazolide of cytidine (ImpC) have been studied at 283348 K in the presence of Pb(II) as a catalyst.

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3) The general form of the Fourier series representation of the cardiac wave- form in Fig. 5 Vorex table gives the frequencies of the notes that make up the key of F major, starting from middle C and going up through all seven notes. In fact, CDKN2A must also be regarded as a classical tumor suppressor gene, since both alleles are affected in such cancers, and germ-line mutations of the gene have been found in families prone to pancreatic cancer and melanoma (12.

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