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A high- frequency band component, attributed to the presence of an antiparallel arrangement 1616 1634 1618 Absorbance Δ Absorbance 1684 1515 1516 tekni 1516 (Y) 1619 332 CHAPTER 7 TISSUE ENGINEERING an enzyme, telomerase, that maintains the telomeres of their chromosomes at con- stant length, a factor in their ability to divide indefinitely in vivo and ex vivo.

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(t1, t2) (t1, t2) 2 (t1, t2) 2 But this means that the coordinatewise derivatives yield the derivative of the Cartesian product, whence the claim (i). Modern-day hypnotherapy arose out of the work of a number of men, including Mesmer, Faria, Baird, Coué. 29 (ab) Turing instability patterns observed in a disk gel reactor (Walgraef, 1997), and (cd) intermediate state patterns in pure lead upon flux entry (c) and exit (d), after Ref.

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