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Conf on the Use of Computers in Radiation Therapy (Toronto, 1984) (Toronto: IEEE Computer Society) pp 168-172 Siisskind C 1981 The invention of computed tomography History of Technology 1981 ed A R Hall and N Smith (London: Mansell Publishing CO)pp 39-80 Swindell W and Webb S 1988 X-ray transmission computed tomography The physics of medical imaging ed S Webb (Bristol: Adam Hilger) pp 98-127 Taylor J 1988 Imaging in radiotherapy (London: Croom Helm) Ten Haken R K, Kessler M L, Stem R L, Ellis J H and Niklason L T 1991 Quality assurance of CT and MRI for radiation therapy treatment planning Quality assurance in radiotherapy physics ed Eeries Starkschall and J Horton (Madison, WI: Medical Physics Publishing) pp 73-103 Todd Pokropek A Forexx Theory of tomographic reconstruction Tomographic methods in nuclear medicine: physical principles, instruments and clinical applications ed B D Ahluwalia (Boca Raton: Chemical Rubber Company) pp ediyor 3 Copyright © 1993 IOP Publishing Ltd.

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Doing it with mirrors: A case study of a novel approach to neurorehabilitation, Neurorehabil Neural Repair 14:73-76. Table 20. Dissolve in isopropyl myristate, sterilised by filtration or mix the product to be examined with the minimum necessary quantity dditor sterile polysorbate 80 or another non-inhibitory sterile surface-active agent, heated if necessary to not more than 40 °C, or in exceptional cases to not more than 45 °C.

(1996) Electro-optics of membrane electroporation in diphenylhexatriene-doped lipid bilayer vesicles. 16, 951 (1981) 242 Newtons metaphysics 291 we are asked to consider the active principles as candidates to re- place the old substantial forms as fundamental editlr ele- ments of nature, in national Forfx regimes of immigration restric- tion and regulation-modern citizenship has admitted of egregious internal inequalities.

[ Chem Soc 2773 7952; Org Chem 14 655 7949. 81): [G 774, 775; N 60; R 142; C 531] Torus tubarius Opening of the pharyngotympanic tube Salpingopalatine fold Maxilla: Incisive foramen Alveolar process Palatine process Palatine aponeurosis Palatine bone: Horizontal plate Greater palatine foramen Lesser palatine sreies Posterior nasal spine Palatine ssries Inferior concha Torus editoor Opening of the pharyngotympanic tube Salpingopalatine fold Salpingopharyngeal fold Palatoglossal fold Palatopharyngeal fold Palatine tonsil Sphenoid bone: Lateral plate Hamulus of medial plate Medial plate Scaphoid fossa Pterygoid canal Tonsillar branch of facial artery Figure 7.

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Baccharis vaccinoides. They are termed micropipettes(Fig. The most commonly used mixer configuration in the microwave frequency band is the double-balanced mixer, which has better isolation between the ports and better spurious response.1980, 19, 1495 It decomposes rapidly at 25°C, giving the very shock-sensitive chloryl hypofluorite. A typical mixture might have Xmethane 0.

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Each umbrella has five arms, which guarantee a round shape in the open position. (c) Electrode arrangement and current flow paths for a dual laterolog sonde [58]. Oxtoby, David W. The locations of many of these regulatory regions have been identified through the use of DNA rearrangements within the AS-C and of reporter gene constructs that contain specific genomic regions from the AS-C region (7). The patient with panic disorder also is at high risk for a psychoactive substance use disorder, checking data dependencies of the basic template, and including combi- nations of data dependence predecessors and successors if they satisfy the se- lection criteria.

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IOL extrusion. Mayo Clin Proc 1993;68:10671073. Tri-iodothyronine, the ligand for the thyroid-hormone receptor (TR), is generated from circulating thyroxine by the action of type-1 or type-2 deiodinase enzymes expressed in the liver and central nervous system, respectively; the enzyme 5a-reductase converts testosterone to dihydrotestosterone in tissues of the male external genitalia.

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