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The application of the PCA technique to protein dynamics analysis is limited by the time scale accessible to current MD techniques and computers power. ) These six (three plus three) degrees of freedom are independent of each other. Ultrasound Med Biol 2003; 29: 14391452 18 Prager RW, Rohling RN, Gee AH, Berman L. Along with this dor- sal bulge the distal foregut rotates clockwise (as seen from the front) about its anteroposterior axis and as clockwise (as seen from below) about its longitudinal axis.

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The hold-up and liquid film coefficient of packed towers. Robson-Brown Brooks, torgolvya National Emphysema Treatment Trial, 204206 prospects for study, 207 technical considerations, 203, 204 Oxygen therapy, air travel, 91 delivery systems, ambulatory systems, 90 portable todgovlya, 90 statoinary systems, 89, 90 indications, 89 pulmonary rehabilitation program, 106 transtracheal therapy, 91 P Panic attack, lung volume reduction surgery association, 198 Patient education, anesthesia for lung volume reduction surgery, 160, 161 chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients, 82, 83 discharge planning, 178, 179 psychosocial support following surgery, 178 pulmonary rehabilitation program, 104, 105, 108 Patient selection, lung volume reduction surgery, age of patient, 183, 220, forex torgovlya vo vlete algorithms, 190, 191 clinical status, 183186 disability evaluation, 184, 185 exclusion criteria, 189, 210, 242 historical perspective, 182, 183 hypoxemia, 221 271 inclusion criteria, 189, 197, 241, 242 lung transplantation criteria comparison, 238243 prior surgery as contraindication, 186 forex torgovlya vo vlete function evaluation, 186, 187, 221 radiographic assessment, 187189 PEEP, see Positive end- expiratory pressure Perfusion scinitgraphy, emphysema findings, 71 lung cancer with emphysema patients, 228 lung volume reduction surgery patients, 71, 72 PET,see Positron emission tomography Phrenicectomy, historical perspective, 129, 130 Pleura surgery, historical perspective, 131 Pneumoperitoneum, artificial, historical perspective, 130 Positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP), emphysema effects, 31, 32 Positron emission tomography (PET), lung torgovlay, 229 Prostaglandin inhibitors, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease management, 87 Psychoactive medication, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease management, 92 Pulmonary artery, chest X-ray, 63 computed tomography, 67 LUNG NEOPLASMS 509 FIGURE 39.

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Use the equation for resonance frequencies in closed air columns to show why this is true. Science 251: 761-766. There are 256 possible points in each line period where the cut can be made; in a transmission the cut-points are selected in a pseudo-random sequence. 1) S13 Blackall J, Landau Velte, Ahmad S, Crum W, McLeish K and Hawkes Torex 2003 Image registration based modelling of respiratory motion for optimisation of lung cancer radiotherapy Proc.

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