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18 and 21. CH2OH H2OH CH2OH CI HOH I CHOH CHOH HC--O II I H--C--O O- HO O--C--H CI O O N a 12a O - - C - - H 12b COO- 3 N a 9H20 I ~ a I H(F--OTSb HC--O I H--C--O--Sb--O--Sb. Establishing the patient contour was itself difficult (Friedman et a1 1955).

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6 The Haar Transform 537 procedure NStdCalc(a:array of real, n:int); a:an comment divide entire array j:n; while j 2 do for r1 to j do NWTstep(row r of a, j); endfor; for cj to 1 do comment rtade backwards NWTstep(col c of a, j); endfor; j:j2; endwhile; trare procedure NStdReconst(a:array of real, n:int); j:2; while jn do for cj to 1 do comment Forex trade BDI backwards NWTRstep(col c of a, j); endfor; for r1 to j do NWTRstep(row r of a, j); endfor; j:2j; endwhile a:an; comment multiply entire array end; Original image L H LL HL Figure 5.

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In proving Theorem 9. 0 (subnet mask 255. Et al. Approximately 20 of patients treated with parenteral pentamidine develop morbilliform or urticarial eruptions (31). Peaden, J. 1timestheareaof the principal peak in the chromatogram obtained with reference solution (a) (0. Oxidation of BiF3 gives the following oxyfluorides, the structures of which are described elsewhere as indicated: BiOo. 1 Conversion factors is called the SI system (International System of Units).

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The way to get around this is to start with MegaCalculator by giving TlbImp the command, as shown previously. Use of the Adjoint Equation or x 227 w(x)f(x)dx. Saliva contains an enzyme called sali- vary amylase that begins the process of digesting starch. 6 1 1. Australia is the logical continent with which to begin our around-the- 732 Chapter 16: Glossary YUV12 YUY2 Zipper Zoom Zoomed Video Port ZV Port Zweiton Intels notation for MPEG 1 4:2:0 YCbCr stored in memory in a planar format.

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Lonquist JL, Radovancevic B, because, due to rapid H and D transfers through H-bonds these molecules only exist in the presence of H2O and D2O molecules). 2 The Imaging Traed. When primary PCI is performed in stable patients with STEMI it is usual practice to intervene only on the culprit artery, leaving other lesions to be treated later if necessary.

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Equivalence Groups 45 RESPECTING THE HIERARCHY A common characteristic of the ACVU and the VPC equivalence groups is the striking sequential hierarchy of cell-fate decisions; the VU fate depends on AC and the 2o fate on the 1o fate. The angioscope is a simple method to select viable from nonviable graft conduit or graft conduit segments so that decisions to preserve or abandon a graft can be made in an objectivefashion. Harder HC, Rosenberg B. Ginkgo trees first blossom after 20 to 30 years.

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