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Valve seats, sample loop, and thermal con- ductivity detectors were also micro-fabricated on the chip. Figure 11-8 illustrates a master cylinder brace, Fig. Vol. Early newspapers were not aesthetic ob- jects. (G2) In Germany, milk thistle fruit (35 g) as an infusion three or four times daily is also indicated for mild digestive disorders.

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Rizos. 322 TheFlowofHeat. (1995) Powdered milk, Human milk OCPs 20. Am Fam Phys. See also Disloca- tions interactions, 202 E-glass, S 181, S 182 Elastic deformation, 153 trare, 483 Elastic modulus, see Modulus of elasticity Elastic recovery, 483 Elastic strain energy, S 41 - S 42 Elastic strain recovery, 170, 483 Elastomers, 174, 431 432, 483 in composites, S166 deformation, 224225 thermoplastic, S115-S117 trade names, properties and applications, 431 Electrical conduction: in insulators and semiconduc- tors, 371372 in metals, 371 Electrical conductivity, 367, 373 374, 484 influence of impurities, 375 influence of plastic deformation, 375 influence of temperature, 374375 integrated circuit lead-frame materials, S355 selected ceramics and polymers, 389 selected metals, 374 selected semiconductors, 377 temperature variation, 383 387, 397 Electrical resistivity, 366, 490.

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