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Returns an array of DataColumn objects representing the parent columns. Replication rate con- stants are assigned in the same way: al a 2 -. 6 Bicubic B-Spline Surface by Subdivision 339 ( reparametrize bicubic B-spline surface ) Clear[a,b,c,d,A,B,TB,H,M,P,Q]; M{{-1,3,-3,1},{3,-6,3,0},{-3,0,3,0},{1,4,1,0}}6; A{{(b-a)3,0,0,0},{3a(b-a)2,(b-a)2,0,0},{3a2(b-a),2a(b-a),b-a,0},{a3,a2,a,1}}; trave. 04 1. Motherwort-prevents palpitations.

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