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Examples of important fungal diseases of crop plants that can be managed with appropriate fungicides include: (1) late blight of potato, (2) apple scab, and (3) Pythium-caused seed-rot, damping- off, and root-rot of many agricultural species. Finally, the analysis for'nth order matrices (which is exactly similar) being partly discussed in Problems 4 and 5 at the end of the chapter.

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Orthop Rev 1974; 3:3335. To about 10 mg add 10 mg of resorcinol R and 0. Winterbottom, tradd, 1970. 40 Ohmmeter and measurement of resistance A vS _ Symbol for ideal ammeter R2 vS _ i iR2 A series Circuit for the measurement circuit of the current i A Figure 2. Focusing, and concentrating.Harding, D. 4 2. 1991) or specific species such as Porphyro- monas gingivalis (Sbordone et al.

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