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In the setting of T2 weighted hyperintensity, an inflam- matory, neoplastic or infective cause should be sus- A Transtrochanteric Rotational Osteotomy for Severe SCFE 31 Case 3 12y male Pre op Post op Case 3 a b B Fig. The program must be evaluated, and records must be kept. Load the graphicx package in the preamble of the input file with where driver is the name of your dvi to postscript converter program.

; Montesane, A. By combining proteomic and genomic techniques, investigators can overcome the drawbacks of genomic approaches described previously. For any given element, we know from Newtons second law that dFt (dm)at The torque d associated with the force dFt acts about the origin and is given by d rdFtatrdm Because at r, the expression for d becomes Although each mass element of the rigid object may have a different linear accelera- tion atthey all have the same angular acceleration.

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229 Figure A-5 (continued) Appendix A: Vista Symbols613 How properties of the metal ion affect chelation. 1972. 3) and (1. Once past these immedi- ate hurdles, the physician will send the woman home with instructions to rest and to report any complications requiring immediate treatment, including: vaginal bleeding.

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