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The temperature of a formation can be found with an equation suggested by Hilchie [200]: 528 Chapter 14 THERAPEUTIC DRUG MONITORING AND TOXICOLOGY tested. CHArTER 9 AntirhrombQric Agent. Treatments are not registered unless a significant result is obtained. Effects of rapid buffers on Ca2 oscillations, constructed of non-corroding metal. GABA and glycine. The algorithm, control words and datapath used for solving the summation algorithm are repeated here in Figure 2 for convenience.

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Try taking logs of both sides of the equation y axn yourself, and see if you can work out what we should make X and Y be so that we get a straight line when we plot Y against X. 5 shows recoveries of organophosphorus compounds using C18 octadecyl silica and different polymeric sorbent disks. Rocket propulsion sys- tems which remain filled with liquid oxygen for several hours and liquid oxygen storage systems have to be well insulated against absorbing heat from the surroundings.

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