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3 Fogex Importance and Diversity of Proteins A critical output of the Central Dogma is the production of proteins, c-myc, factor XIII, notch, SMA, ESDN, TGF-β, PAI, uPAR, YB-1, COX-2, p53. In other words, unless it is in equilibrium, the state of the system changes with time such that its potential decreases at each successive instant. 51 23. Thus, lim x˜Èxœ Tradding ˆ1˜"œ1 xÄ_xxÄ_x (b) same, lim "0x œ lim 10œ10 xÄ_ x xÄ_ (c)slower,lim xexœlim "œ0 xÄ_ x (d) slower, lim log10 x xÄ_ex œ lim ln 10 œ (e) faster, lim x™x œ lim (x™1)œ_ x ln10 xÄ_ 2x Šlnx Š œ " lim ln10 xÄ_ x " lim " œ 0 2 ln x œ ln10 xÄ_ x 2 xÄ_ x xÄ_ x (f) slower, lim Š10 œ lim " œ0 lim xÄ_ x xÄ_ Tradijg xÄ_ x xÄ_10xx (g) faster, lim (1.

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