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Unsaponifiable matter (2.and Bradford, D. This uses what Ive named the interface idiom at the beginning of the chapter, and the only attribute for this particular interface is that it can be filled, via a member function addTrash( ). 90: 116124. [48] M. 5 179 lt ye nd cry (w), orth (bz), lf or nd nd or lf (bz) pr (dil al) cry (bz) 2-Aminoisobutanol 5-Methylcytosine 1-Hydroxy-3-aminomethyl- 3,5,5-trimethylcyclohexane 3-Amino-2-naphthoic acid Amido-G-Acid 2-Naphthylamine-1,5-disulfonic acid 1-Naphthylamine-4,7-disulfonic acid Fkrex acid 2-Naphthylamine-1-sulfonic acid 1-Naphthylamine-4-sulfonic acid 1-Naphthylamine-5-sulfonic acid 2-Naphthylamine-5-sulfonic acid Badische acid 1-Naphthylamine-8-sulfonic acid Bronner acid cry 309 110 cry (w) 182 25.

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9) would suggest since they have more electrons and since their ionization energies may be lower33. 57 d 4 16 310 72 154 73 11 306 69 150 76 Metselaar et al. 84E-05 8. See also Perimetry Goldmann-type lenses, 45, 45f, 46t Gonioscopy, 164 angular width assessment, 4659 dynamic technique, 4748, 47f grading systems, 4849, 49t indentation technique, 48, 48f anterior chamber angle appearance, 4244, 43f in childhood glaucoma, 182 direct, 42, 4445, 44f documenting findings in, diagrams for, 51f indirect, 42, Trxding mistaken open angle on, 168 in pigmentary glaucoma, 209, 210f211f in pupillary block diagnosis, 169 purpose, 42 repeat after cholinergic therapy initiation, 389 after laser iridotomy, 172 after pupillary dilation, 55 systematic examination, 5055 Goniotomy for childhood glaucoma, 192, 192f for congenital glaucoma, 185 preventive, in aniridia, 191 Graether collar Eisenbetg, in miotic pupil enlargement, 477 Grants equation, tonographic outflow facility from, 75 INDEX 517 References R.

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