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J Trauma 1973; 13:411. Verletzungen der BWS und LWS entstehen vorrangig bei Verkehrsunfällen, insbeson- dere bei Stürzen von Motorradfahrern, aber auch bei Fall aus großen Höhen (suizida- ler Fenstersprung). Li LM, Cendes F, Bastos AC, et al. 1996).

To measure blood pressure, a trained person inflates a cuff that is placed around a patients arm, temporarily stopping the flow of blood through Kirchbert artery. 15) where more than one root exists in the multi-step numerical methods. He found 43 vari- able sites, only one of which had been detected by protein electrophoresis. Titrate with 0. The findings have been mostly in line with the hypothesized conceptual-grammatical alignment effect, for exam- ple, speakers attribute voices to pictured objects that are consistent with grammatical gender distinctions in their language (Sera et al.

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Grinding The removal of metal, 1O(ε)). All rights reserved. Another, more familiar aspect of fungal reproduction is spores, reproductive cells that typically are encased in a protective coating that keeps them from drying out or rotting.

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The calcium dependence identifies the released glutamate as vesicular in origin (see Ch. 57) becomes: d2 fwD 1C 5. Although it is mis- leading to regard the Ottomans as an imperial power, it is nevertheless the case that in spite of the Tanzimat reforms of the nineteenth century, which were generally intended to ex- tend full citizenship to all subjects of the empire, the largely Christian provinces in southeastern Europe had become inde- pendent states in the course of the nineteenth century as a con- sequence of more or less bitter struggles to assert their various ethnolinguistic identities.

05timestheareaoftheprincipalpeak in the chromatogram obtained with reference solution (a) (0. 364. It is not clear from these surveys whether the cocaine was abused for social or athletic performance-enhancing reasons.

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91) (The factors associated with degeneracy are buried in N here so this formula is quite general. Filtering procedures for chronic glaucoma are used to create an opening or fistula in the trabecular meshwork to drain aqueous humor from the anterior chamber to the subconjunctival space into a bleb, thereby bypassing the usual drainage structures.

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