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What was required now was evidence that the similarity was deeper than mere resemblance; that there was indeed a true conservation of the physical or molecular mechanisms underlying memory formation between Aplysia and mammals. 6 71. 549 4. Research on HRV has received particular attention, due to its medical implications: reduced HRV as a result of diminished car- diac vagal tone was shown to be a strong predictor of sudden death in subjects with myocardial infarction; subjects with depressive dis- orders have an increased incidence of mortality for cardiovascular diseases, and reduced HRV might represent a predisposing factor (for review see Dalack and Roose, 1990).

Palsson. Patients negative for hepatitis B surface antigen should be vaccinated: positive patients should be segregated and use a dedicated machine. Hino, along with the French invasion of Italy in 1524 and the French defeat of Rome in 1527, brought about an era of tension and disorder. Where you were is stored in one place, S.

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-June Aug. Complementary therapies in neurology 338 although coenzyme Q10 reduces cardiac injury and is widely used as a therapy in congestive heart failure, its value as a potential stroke therapy has not yet been investigated. 2 Carbon metabolism in homoacetogens 330 9.

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