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These authors also discussed the possibility that the observed changes in ν- values (quadrupole splitting) and the activation of PKC could be affected by another factor that could be the primary cause of both phenomena [105]. 11, 2135. tuberculosis was responsible for more than one fifth of all deaths in Western Europe after the industrial revolution [5].

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UNCLEAR ) The other side Value of opponent's reply Placeholder Result of an immediate evaluation makeEmpty else if( depth 3 depth TABLE-DEPTH ) Figure 11. APPENDIX Misapplications of Bernoullis Principle Bernoullis equation has mistakenly become linked to the concept of flight. Am J Resp Crit Care Med 2000;161(4pt2):S22147. 24). Successive transfer of a proton from an H3O ion to an HO ion or to neighboring molecules brings about electric conduction.

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