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Thus we have a sequence of subgroups [,[. It is often associated with excoriation of the skin surrounding the fistula as well as pain and fever. Which components should you choose. Circuit Elements and Circuit Variables The most complicated electrical and mechanical systems are constructed from a small set of basic elements These elements fall into two general categories: active elements that usually supply energy to the system, and passive elements that either dissipate or store energy In electrical systems, the passive elements are described and defined by the relationship they enforce between voltage and current In mechanical systems, the defining relationships are between force and velocity These relationships are linear and involve only scaling, differentiation, or integration Active electrical elements supply either a specific well-defined voltage and are logically termed voltage sources, or a well-defined current, current sources Active mechanical elements are categorized as either sources of force or sources of velocity (or displacement), although mechanical sources are generally far from ideal All of these elements are defined as idealizations These basic elements are combined to construct electrical and mechanical systems Since some of the passive elements involve calculus operations, differential equations are required to describe most electrical and mechanical systems Using phasor or Laplace analysis, it is possible to represent these elements so that only algebra is needed for their solution Keywords resistor, capacitor, inductor, mass, elasticity, Young's modulus, friction, voltage, voltage source, current, current source 736 Elsevier US Job code: SHV Ch03-P088581 3-11-2006 4:32p.

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