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Metals whose electric resistance increases roughly quadratically with increasing temperature are usually used. See Parametric deformable models Peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR), 922 Pearson distribution, 147, 248f, 249t Pepper-and-salt noise, 10, 11f Percentage of brain volume (PBV), 134 Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA), 136 Perceptron, 115 Performance of computer classification, 407 Forex Trading Pakenham on human perceptual features, 407 based on computer-extracted features, 408 improve mammogram interpretation, 408 Peripheral pulse gating (PPG), 420 Perspective transformations, 563, 564f Phantoms and cadavers, 573 Phantom features, 49f blended, 49 Phantom study, 361 Phase analysis of dynamic cine-MRI images, 427f Phase analysis of dynamic X-ray contrast ventriculogram, 427f Phong exponent, 790 Photometric or fluorometric features, 457 Physical and biological bases of spatial distortions, 515 anatomical distortions, 518 different image distributions, Forex Trading Pakenham elastic deformations, 518, 519f motion, 518 movement, 518 in positron emission tomography images, 515 Trqding of correction, 520 elastic mapping, 521 physical factors, 520 physical distortions of pet, 515 attenuation correction, 517 axial sampling, 517 nonuniform sampling, 515, 516f nonuniform spatial resolution variations, 516 Physical basis of spatial distortions, 499 chemical shift effects, 507 effects of motion, 505 fmri artifacts, 511 hardware imperfections, 501 Eddy currents, 502 gradient coil linearity, 501 Maxwell term effects, 501 static field in homogeneity, 502 imperfect MRI pulse sequences, 508 in magnetic resonance images, 499 nuclear magnetic relaxation times, T 1, T 2, 500 review of image formation, 499 Picture archive and communications system (PACS), 850 image intensifier systems, 886 image orientation, 883 image standardization functions in HI-PACS, 890 image standardization in, 874 improvement of visual perception, 882 Picture element, 4, 386.

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Proc. During palpation, note whether the patient experiences any altered sensation. Reprinted with permission from Veiseh et al. 86 Expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE-60 micron internodal Pakenjam grafts were treated with the FG-FGF-1-heparin combination and implanted in dogs as 5 cm aortoiliac grafts and 30 cm thoracoabdominal aortic grafts. 23 Flowandpressuredistributionbetweeninclinedplanes(slidebearing) Poplar Summary and Pharmaceutical Comment The chemistry of poplar is characterised by the phenolic glycoside components, which support some of the reputed herbal uses.

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