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0237 1. ul£v) (EVrlal£v)'E (vfla(x)lv)'E where a(x) (ElalE) is the polarizability of the molecule, which we expect to be a function of small displacements x from the equilibrium bond length of the molecule (Section 13. 40) auffällig ist. Nunn 56. 43 (dilution factor about 1 in 16). 05 per cent. See other POLYNITROALKYL COMPOUNDS, SILVER COMPOUNDS 259 C2H2AgN3O5 SIDE OUT S S R R e e n n a a m m e e y yo o u u r r c c o o n n n n e e c c t t i i o o n n s s 486 Chapter 12 Setting Up a Small Network I I I N N N Figure 12-12 Click Properties to iew or modify the installed clients, serices, and protocols.

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Hynson, Westcott and Dunning. DSP Toxins Since PSP toxins are potent neurotoxins, the term diarrhoeic shellTsh poisoning (DSP) has been asso- ciated with a number of different groups of toxic compounds; these include polyether compounds such as okadaic acid (OA), dinophysistoxins (DTX1, DTX2, DTX3), pectenotoxins and the fused poly- ether yessotoxin. 1999). The situation is aggravated by the endotoxin acting as a negative inotrope on the myocardium. The Crystal Structure of Solids, E.

If the same section of the coastline is measured on a small-scale map offering a more detailed version of reality, the larger bays mentioned before are indented by smaller bays so that the measured length increases. A number of randomized controlled trials offer evidence of the efficacy of 5-ASA (mesalazine) in reducing postoper- ative recurrence. Because a counter cannot directly divide by 2. Berkeley, CA: University of Cali- fornia Press. The time during which the bone was exposed to room temperature (during the preparation process) was kept to a minimum (10 min).

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