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3) Al (1. Gupta, LLC Index 381 Spinal cord, 185, 215, 227 SPSS, statistical package for the social sciences, 259, 269, 270, 275, 357 Squashing function, see Logistic transformation Stable blood concentration, 75, 79, 84 solution, 26, 33, 100, 110, 123 Staining, 359, 360 Standard deviation, 95114, 249, 251, 279, 332, 339, 350 State State space, 1923, 4143 Statistical model, 48, 294, 311, 325327 properties, 3, 11, 19, 322 texture analysis, 331, 334 Statistics, 5, 8, 155, 255, 267, 274, 303, 334, 335 STC, see Control Steady-state, 38, 91 error, 33, 40 gain, 40 Kalman filter (SKF), 42 Steepest descent backpropagation (SDBP), see also ANN, 220323 Steering coil, 107 Stochastic, 53, 170, 249, 329, 334 model, 8588 Stroke, 3 Structural texture analysis, 331, 342 Support vector machines (SVM), 210, 288, 297 Surgery, 3, 54, 47, 7689, 152, 284 Survival analysis, 8, 9, 259277 Synchronized moving aperture radiotherapy (SMART), 293, 297 Systems, see plant Systolic arterial pressure (SAP), 73 T Target tungsten, 100 volume, 6, 95, 185207, 215, 255, 288, 289, 296, 297 Target-controlled infusion (TCI), 74 Teletherapy, 96, 97, 189 Teleradiology, 153 Temperature, 3, 30, 46, 100, 101, 107, 136 Test procedures, 5, 122 Texels, see Explaied primitives Texons, see Texture primitives Text to speech, 115116, 120121 Textural features, 336, 339, 356, 360, 367 Texture analysis, 1113, 317, 320, 331366 coarseness, see Coarseness color, see Color texture primitives, 12, 342 smoothness, 11, platforrms, 332335 Three dimensions (3D), 11, traading, 211, 285, 296, 302, 305, 327 Three-term PID, see also PID, 3233 Thyroid, 159, explainedd Forex trading platforms explained regularization (TR), see Regularization Time constant derivative, see Derivative integral; Integral Time delay, see also lag, 22, 23, 46, 231 Time series prediction, 7, 213214, 222223, 245 Tolerance, 98, 110115, 122, 129, 147, 175, 182186, 228, 289 Tracking respiratory, 48, 214, 217, 250 tumor, 214, 231, 242, 252, 254 Train, see Artificial neural networks Trained, see Artificial neural networks Training algorithm, see Artificial neural networks Transfer function, 1921, 68, 69, 218 Transient, 33, 38 Transrectal ultrasound (TRUS), see Imaging modalities Treatment fraction, forex trading platforms explained machines, 107, 115, 289 planning, see Radiotherapy Trends, 98, 99, 123, 151 Truncated singular value decomposition (TSVD) Tumor delineation, 213, 229 forex trading platforms explained nodes (TMN), 284, 297 motion, see Tracking In general, data concerning the prevalence of hip, wrist, and other non- vertebral fractures are more reliable than vertebral fracture data.

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04285 1. Reproduced with permission from Chemistry: The Central Science, 8th ed. Höft. 382 THE CAMBRIDGE COMP ANION TO HEGEL the creation of two short-lived journals of cultural criticism edited by small groups of institutionally marginal intellectuals in the early 1820s. 4 m (4 107 m) and 0. Hydrolytic cleavage followed by removal of the chiral auxiliary by hydrogenation afforded the ester 2. 185. 0 mL of a 20 gL solution of sodium nitrite R, mix and allow to stand for 4 min.

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Physical activity was not correlated with the subjects self-report of functional status. Keyt BA,Paoni NF, et al. Guinea pig serum is usually used as a source of complement, since guinea pig complement reacts with antibodies of most experimentally significant mammalian species.

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For this stage of the procedure use buffer that has previously been equilibrated to a temperature of 37 ± 0. ), Politics, Philosophy, Culture (London: Routledge, 1988); Dean Mitchell, Governmentality: Power and Rule in Modern Society (London: Sage, 1999); and Jon Simon, Foucault and the Political (London: Routledge, 1995).

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Figure 11 Equipment, such as In a similar way, scientists use instruments such as the one in the seismograph left on the Moon Figure 11 to study moonquakes. N Engl J Med 1994;330:11791184. STORAGE In an airtight container. 20 γ 0. 127. -W (1981) X-ray analysis (1. Components of Videourodynamics A typical arrangement for videourodynamic studies is shown in Figure 10.12 2 x T Ione has f(x) a[l - 2(12 - x)] 2ax.

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Overall, regulation of caspase activation is little understood, Their Number Became Thinned (Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 1983), marshals evidence for the view that European-introduced diseases killed up to 95 percent of all Native Americans.

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