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Y SECTION 10. Studies of the IT combinations of MTX and thiotepa; MTX and Ara-C; MTX, thiotepa, and Ara-C; and MTX, thiotepa, Ara-C, and hydrocortisone have failed to demonstrate improved response rates or survival rates compared with single-drug regimens (Hitchins et al, 1987; Stewart et al, 1987), although they have demonstrated increased myelosuppression and neurotoxicity (Stewart et al, 1987). National Transplantation Preg- nancy Registry-Outcomes of 154 pregnancies in cyclosporine-treated female kid- ney transplant recipients.

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In the Traumatic Coma Data Bank Series, the mortality rate in. © 2009 by Taylor Francis Group, LLC BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL PHYSICS BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING Springer New York Berlin Heidelberg Hong Kong London Milan Paris Tokyo 320 INDEX Computer simulation, 33 Conservation equation, of enzymes, 121 Continuity equation, 80 Continuous signals, 37 Convolution integral, 6970, 82 Convolution operator, 95 Correlograms, of time series, 3940, 42 Coupled oscillator model, 44 C-peptide impulse response, 46, 251 Cross-ApEn, defined, 58 Distributed tgading blood-tissue exchange: DE Data-driven models, 27 Data modeling: approaches, 3638 background, 36 basis of, 36 of causally related variables hormonehormone and substratehormone series, 5658 response of urine sodium, 5861 for impulse response convolution integral, 6970 estimates, 6769 reconstructing the input, 7074 for rrading control control of blood glucose by insulin, 6366 control of blood pressure by sodium nitroprusside, 6667 pupil control, 6263 a single variable in response to perturbation glucose home monitoring data, 5354 response to drug therapy, 5456 a single variable occuring spontaneously gastro-intestinal rhythms, 4345 hormonal time series, 4552 temperature, 3841 urine potassium, 4143 Death rate and feedback, 12 Deconvolution, 70 challenges, 238244 importance, 236 and real world problems, 236238 Derivative feedback, 13 Discrete-time noisy output measurements, 196 Electrical model, of the cell membrane, 110112 Enzyme dynamics, 120122 Errors, 164166 Exhaustive summary, 180181 Expiration, 144 Expiratory time controller, 145 F Feedback: combination of positive and negative, 1112 derivative and integral, 13 effect on complexity of system, 13 inherent, 11 negative, 10 positive, 1011 Ficks Law, 8283, 109 G Gas exchange, simple linear dynamic modeling, 8283 Gastro-intestinal rhythms, 4345 Glomerular filtration rate (GFR), 107 Glucagon, 18 Glucose home monitoring data, 5354 Glucose-insulin control system, model of, 182183 model formulation: glucose subsystem, 280282 insulin subsystem, 282284 unit process models and identification, 285288 results: daily life for a normal subject.

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