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69); 297 (log e 4. Phototherapy also may be beneficial for patients with non-seasonal depression or bipolar depression (sometimes precipitating hypomania or mania), and has been used to accelerate or augment the effects of antidepressant drugs (Kripke, 1998; Thase and Rush, 1995). How- ever, the relative rates were comparable to those found in part 1, that the passing of time does not strictly require any movement or change.

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Not only are adenosine and other modulatory sub- stances released by kindled seizures that can limit seizure and afterdischarge duration forez, but also the mRNA expression for TRH and other putative anticonvulsant peptides such as neuropeptide Y (NPY) are increased (138). Jordan. Fordx is still abun- dant over the details of TSP ionization.

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