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0 12. All told, 41 List of Symbols 463 WPDES Wisconsin Pollutant Discharge Elimination System W power level, watts W cake deposited per volume of filtrate, kgm3 W specific energy, k W t o n Bond work index, k W t o n seeded dilution water in sample bottle, mL weight fraction of particles retained between two sieves effluent SS, m g L influent SS, k g h microorganismconcentration,estimatedasSS,mgL e f f l u e n t m i c r o o r g a n i s m c o n c e n t r a t i o ne s t i m a t e d a s SS,m g L return sludge microorganism concentration, estimated asSS,mgk influentmicroorganism concentration,estimatedasSS, mgL particle size, m characteristic particle size, m mass per time of feed to a materials separation device mass per time of componentsx and y exiting from a materials separation device through exit stream 1 mass per time of componentsx and y exiting from a materials separation device through exit stream 2 mass of pollutant that could have been captured, kg mass of pollutant that escaped capture, kg mass of pollutant collected, kg Y yield, AWAS Y yield, kg SS producedkg BOD used Y cumulative fraction of particles (by weight) less than some specific size Y volume of BOD bottle, mL Wi x21 Y2 X1 x2 XO X thickness, in m YF Y filter yield, kgm2-s oxygen used (or BOD) at time t, in mgL (Chap.

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