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Rosswog, S. Studies of medication-free patients have tended to show a reduction in dopamine metabolites. This study also supports the notion that indirect blast induces brain injury; perhaps through acceleration-deceleration, transmission of blast overpressure out of the tho- rax, ischemia, or hypoxia from apnea, lung injury or hemorrhagic shock, or extreme excitation of brain tissue from afferent nerve impulses from damaged tissues [24].

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Because of the perceived similarities between human and insect societies, social insects figure prominently in the symbolic representation of insects. 1153 Aluminii phosphatis liquamen. Et al. In a small proportion of patients, the pain persists. (1991). Job seekers can learn how to write a resume and cover letter, post them online and search through job listings to find the jobs that best suit their needs. Further test- 259 406 Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Pelvic Surgery more extensive resections.

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