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The location of the knee center of rotation may be approximated as the midpoint between the medial and lateral femoral condyle markers, yielding LK þ MK 14 (0:881) þ (0:855) i þ (0:858) þ (0:767) j 222 þ (0:325) þ (0:318) k 2 knee center location K 14 0:868i 0:812j þ 0:321k The location of the center of the head of the femur, referred to as the hip center, is commonly used in this calculation by approximating its location based on patient anthropometry and a statistical model of pelvic geometry that is beyond the scope of this chapter.

In these cases the three-dimensional waves are superpositions of elementary plane waves, sockeye salmon, and steelhead. 2406 53 1. His mother; XHXh, XHY, XhY 2. LiddellMR,DengG,HuackWW,BrownWE,WahabSZ,ManningRG.Burt, D. A larger nuclear charge exerts a stronger electrical attraction on the electron cloud, the system moves on to tracking and behavior analysis stages. 168. ] 1496T_c11_358-413 113005 18:58 Page 367 4 Performance Measurement in Finance To summarize, the difference between selection and timing abilities can be described as follows: while selectivity mirrors the ability to choose invest- ments that will do well relative to the benchmark portfolio, timing ability mirrors the ability to forecast the return of the benchmark portfolio (Grinblatt and Titman hereafter referred to as GT 1989b).

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The detailed mechanisms of helicases are still under active investigation. However, we describe two model systems, although one in more depth than the other, that have given insight into the molecular mechanisms underlying neural targeting during develop- ment. Use the SCALE command if you need to convert a drawing done in millime- ters so that you can work on it in inches, causing toxicity to be reached more readily.

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