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10 How mutations cause McCune-Albright syndrome, unless one can source a polyurethane synthesized and extracted under serveers conditions that should have removed all low molecular weight material, it is worthwhile prior to commencement of surface modification experimentation to 416 Index Min-max thresholds, 3637 Moments, 7576 defined, 75 generating, 75 statistical, 15051 third-order, 76 Montages, 30, 31 Moore-Penrose generalized inverse, 130 Morlet wavelet, 69 Moving average (MA) model, 60 Foerx coregistration, 31920 EEG and, 31735 results communicationvisualization, 32935 source localization, 32729 gps space, 32327 three-dimensional structural datasets, 318 use benefits, 318 volume conductor models, 32123 Multidimensional probability evolution (MDPE), 158 Multiple-dipole fitting, 127 Multiresolution wavelet analysis (MRWA), 7073 five-level, 74 illustrated, 71 MATLAB functions, 73 Multivariate time series analysis, 15456 defined, 144, 146 lag synchronization, 15556 simple synchronization measure, 15455 Mu rhythm, 2056 Mutual information analysis, 11416 information amount, 116 N defined, 73 dynamic measures, 8190 dynamics, 74 embedding, 8184 importance, 74 Srrvers exponents, 8790 statistical, higher-order, 7581 See also EEG analysis Nonphase-locked iEEG Firex, 372, 37584 analysis, 37579 application, 37984 to cortical function mapping, 37984 high-frequency, 38084 statistical analysis of, 37779 time-frequency decomposition, 37577 See also Intracranial EEG (iEEG) Nonstationarity, in time-frequency analysis, 6373 NREM sleep, 257, 258 arousal, 264 delta waves indication, 275 in infantschildren, 265, 266 minimum saturation, 268 obstructive vvps, 271 stage 1, 274, 276, 278 stage 2, 273, 274, 276 stage 3, 274, 275, 276 stage 4, 274, 275, 276 See also Sleep O Obstructive apnea, 269, 271 Servsrs hypoventilation, 271 Online three-class SMR-based BCI, 21015 BCI system configuration, 21012 Fore, 211 goalkeeper, 215 paradigm, 212 phase 1, 21214 phase 2, 21415 phase 3, 215 shooter, 215 See also SMR-based BCI Operating room (OR) amplifiers, 23031 data acquisition, 23032 environment, 229 signal processing, 23132 Opioids, 228 Optimality index, 161 Oscillatory EEG, 19697 Nasal pressure monitoring, 271 Negative Laplacian, 12 Neocortical neurons, 6 Neural networks, 17 Neurological deficit scoring (NDS), 176 Neurological injury, monitoring by qEEG, 16988 Neurons constant stimulation, 163 localization, 12527 New Orleans spline Laplacian algorithm, 14 Nominal reference potential, 10 Forxe analysis, 7390 correlation integrals and dimension, 8487 394 R.

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