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Ke(F), which is a (2F 1) x (2F -1) matrix, is developed on a complete set of irreducible tensor operators FFT'al) (- k «s q « k, k0,l. 804 5. For example. Patients with coronary artery disease with LV dysfunction and prolonged QRS duration in the absence of spontaneous or inducible sustained or nonsustained VT who are undergoing coronary bypass surgery.

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See also atomic mass; conservation of mass; molar mass converting from moles, 101102, 230 converting from number of particles, 230231 converting to moles, 230, 232 converting to number of particles, 232 converting to volume, 308, 309 for counting objects, 225, 225f defined, 11 density and, 1617 equivalence to energy, 143, 146, 644, 656 stoichiometry problems with, 306307 temperature increase and, 339, 339f weight and, 11 mass defect, 644, 644f mass number (A), 8586, 85f, 642, 642f in radioactive decay, 649, 650, 651, 652, 653 in symbol for element, 8789, 88t materials scientist, 148 matter, 1518.

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