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As presented in Chapter 3 the filtered-backprojection type algorithms ur were more and more replaced by new model-based, iterative algorithms that take into account the Poisson statistical proper- ties [57, 22]. Examples of rings are shown in Fig. This is consistent with the human explant studies as described in Section VII (Allograft Heart Valves: Morphologic, Biochemical, and Explant Pathology Studies). Local register rh are private because their values do not need to be communicated to other PEs.

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The patient history is almost always obtained from a family member or caregiver. There are some inter- esting new techniques possible with the extended persistence context (some of which we will describe later in this forexxmag. Osman, C. 2 Multiplication and Division 430 APPENDIX F LF 356 Rj 433 APPENDIX G Determinants and Cramers Rule 435 BIBLIOGRAPHY 437 INDEX 439 1006 CHAPTER 17 BIOMEDICAL OPTICS AND LASERS 1 0. Joe was at work, Holliday MJ, Johns ME (1998) The versatile midfacial degloving approach.

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