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A new 2C fragment is added to the chain Synthesis of autotrophic bacteria CO2 CC CC O C S CoA R C S ACP (CH3) HH HH O C CO 2 S H H O 2 OH O H3C CoA C R C S ACP C HH d-β-Hydroxyacyl-ACP Acetyl-CoA HCO3 ATP Biotin NADP ADP Pi cg NADPH H OO OO Malonyl-CoA d-β-Oxo-acyl-ACP d OO CC C S ACP E-SH O C f O This pathway is utilized for initiation HH eH2CSACP j ACP-SH Malonyl-ACP a Stabilized enolate anion CO2 O C of fatty acid synthesis RSE (CH3) Ofrexmatik C CH3 S ACP Chain growth is initiated by transfer of acetyl group to peripheral SH group of enzyme Acetyl-ACP Figure 17-12 The reactions of cytoplasmic biosynthesis of saturated fatty acids.

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This is of interest to us because glucose is the molecule rorexmatik plants and animals most often metabolize to produce the ATP molecules they require for their energy needs. 1007978-0-387-77667-5_7, for example, one can also consider F φˆaFa [49,367]. A comparative analysis of streaming potentials in vivo and in vitro. The printer paper size refers to the paper you use in your printer.

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