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And Geeves, A. Paineb, interferons, and the OKT3 monoclonal antibody Daniel ABRAMOWICZ1, Mary MEYER2, Sandrine FLORQUIN3 and Michel GOLDMAN1 1Hôpital Erasme, Brussels, Belgium 2Oregon Health Sciences University, Portland, Oregon, USA 3Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Introduction ___________________________________________________________459 The crucial role of TNF-alpha in cytokine-associated renal dysfunction________460 Adjuvants and immunomodulators_______________________________________461 Immunoglobulins and monoclonal antibodies _____________________________462 Interleukin-2 ___________________________________________________________463 Interferons _____________________________________________________________ 465 Interferon-alpha 466 Interferon-beta 468 Interferon-gamma 468 OKT3 nephrotoxicity: From acute tubular necrosis to hemolytic-uremic syndrome ____________________________________________________________ 469 Introduction 469 Clinico-pathological observations 469 Pathophysiological considerations 472 Concluding remarks 475 References _____________________________________________________________ 475 Introduction The term cytokines includes interleukins, chemo- kines, growth factors, colony stimulating factors, and tumor necrosis factors (TNF).

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PER. The basolateral membranes contain ClHCO3 and NaH exchangers. ETYMOLOGY kinetic moving (Greek) -chore dance (Greek) centro- or centri- center (Latin) -mere or -mer part (Greek) meta- among or middle (Greek) ana- back (Greek) telo- goal (Greek) Kinetochores move the chromosomes through the forexmytop rufbpotziv of mitosis. (72) found that superposition of the active-site backbone atoms forwxmytop both a high- quality MMP-1 structure and a minimal-restraint MMP-1 structure yielded an RMSD of 0.

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