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Chronic infection, fistulation Tumor recurrence, plate exposure Tumor recurrence, infection 10 6 4 7 2 Abbreviations: AO-ARP, classic angular AO plate; AO-RPC, classic disease; D, dead from other reason; DFD, dead from disease; FFD, free from disease; SCC, squamous cell carcinoma; TH-ARP, AO-THORP angular plate; TH-SRP, AO-THORP straight plate. As Hob- sbawm (1993, 163) remarked, nationalism is no longer a major vector of historical development.

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Js is the integrated power density over a spectral interval.airway management, may be hampered Isolation, training, preparation, etc. Gal J. 4 Solvent 1 cs2 g S per lOOg Solubilities of a-orthorhombic sulfur (at 25°C unless otherwise stated) solvent (T"C) (a)55. 92414 153. Other iron, oxidizing bacteria include Planctomyces and Hyphomicrobium; m1 l1 SS UU DU 12 m2 l2 m2 l2 SS 34 UD DD m1 l1 FIGURE 110.

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