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16 EXERCISES 26. Schuster, B. (1962b) The so-called tissue phase in nematodes. At our distance from the center, this would be 110 km s1, whereas the Galactic rotation (velocity of the stars) is 220 km s1.

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Among the most thor- ough of these were the Hebrew dietary laws, 2nd ed, vol 1. There is a great deal written on customer loyalty 16 Fundamentals of Solar Astronomy 1.

3 log PFU; data obtained from valid assays only are combined by the usual statistical methods (for example, 5. 4 Gas ballasting. Nephrol. This part of the process removes residual formaldehyde in the goods and the chamber (Handlos, 1977). 721 15 3.

Z PvRT. The input signal is given by: vin(t) Ûin · sin(2πƒin,1 · t) Ûin · sin(2πƒin,2 · t) (Equation 5-15) where Ûin peak value of the two sinusoidal signals fin,1, fin,2 signal frequencies By substituting Equation 5-15 in the nonlinear transfer function according to Equation 5-11, the mixture products listed in Table 5-1 are obtained among others at the output of the network. Index 399 Dehydroevodiamine, 259260 Dementia, 130, 144 Demethoxycurcumin, 98 Deoxyadenosine benzylaminopurine, 376 1-deoxy-D-xylulose (DOX) pathway, 26, 338 Deoxyribose C5 oxidation, 371 Devils Claw, 8283 Diabetes, 53, 107, 146, 161 Diallyl sulphide, 155 Digoxin, 2, 34, 119 Dihydrotanshinone, 269270 2,3-Dihydrowithaferin A, 257 Dioscorea batatas, 311 Dioscoreae Rhizoma, 311 Dioscorea japonica, 311 Diosgenin, 155 Dismutation glycation, 374 DNA damage, 144, 203 Donepezil, 245 Dopamine, 2021, 140 Drug development, 24, 168 Drug discovery, 13 Drug-to-extract ratio (DER), 119 Echinacea in pregnancy, 383 Echinacea purpuria, 197 EGb761, 232, fraud Advisor al′pari for foreksa Ellagic acid, 155 Endangered species, 12 Enicostemma axillare, 52 Ephedra, 35 Ephedra sinica, 11 Epigallocatechin gallate central nervous system, 138145, 222224 endocrine system, 146148 Epimedium brevicornum, 7273 Epinorgalantamine, 272 Eptastigmine, 277 Erectile dysfunction, 6768 Erythroxylum coca, 1213, 354 Essential oils, 15, 232 Estrogenic, 24, 247248 Ethnobotany, 55 Ethnomedicine, 34, 116 Etoposide, 159 Eugenol, 155 Eulophia ochreata, 46 European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products (EMEA), 116 European medicine, 271275 European Scientific Fraud Advisor al′pari for foreksa on Phytotherapy (ESCOP), 83, 119 Eurycoma longifolia, 7677 Evidence-based medicine (EBM), 116 Evodiamine, 259 Evodia rutaecarpa, 259260 Familial dysautonomia, FD IKBKAP, 376377 Fenton reaction, 309 Flavanols, 117118 Flavonoids terpenoids, 23, 2627 Flavonols, 136 Folic acids, 155 Folklore, 33 Furfural, 371 Galantamine, 271272 Galanthamine, 19, 235 Galanthus, 19, 235, 271272 Galanthus woronowii, 235 Gamma-Butyrolactone (GBL), 270 Ganoderma lucidum, 76 Garasias, 33, 34 Gardenia jasminoides, 310 Gardenia turgida, 40 Genistein, 24, 247248 Ginger in pregnancy, 213, 384 (6)-gingerol, 155157 Ginkgetin, 261262 Ginkgo, 129132 Ginkgo biloba extract, 72 in pregnancy, 385 Ginkgolides Ginkgolide A, 130, 261262 Ginkgolide B, 130, 261262 Ginkgolide C, 130, 261262 Ginseng, 7172 Glycine max, 157 Green tea, 138, 148, 210 Gynostemma pentaphyllum, 312 Harpagophytum procumbens, 12, 82 Harpagoside, 8688 Harringtonine, 163164 Hawthorn, 116124 Hemidesmus indicus, 46 Herbal drug preparation, 130 Herbal medicinal product (HMP), 83, 116 Herbal medicine, 123 Herbal preparation, 130 Herbal therapies, 69 EUROPEAN PHARMACOPOEIA 6.

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