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[35] A. Particularly vitriolic in his rejection of DNA as the genetic substance was Avery's own colleague at the Rockefeller Institute, the protein chemist Alfred Mirsky.

(219) presented a review of the litera- ture and three cases of carcinoma developing in the defunctioned rectal stump despite surveillance proctos- copy. As the bicoid mRNA passes through the cytoplasmic bridges into the oocyte, it becomes anchored by part of its 3' untranslated tail to a component of the cytoplasm - presumably a part of the cytoskeleton - at the oocyte's anterior end.

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For example, as discussed earlier (in the section on class I MHC down-regulation and sensitivity of cells to NK cells), certain normal cells such as bone marrow cells, T-cell blasts, and B-cell blasts appear to express stimulatory ligands for NK cells.

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