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THE ASSOCIATION BETWEEN THE IGF-1 SYSTEM AND OESTROGEN Research has suggested that IGF-1 and oestrogen act synergistically to stimulate breast cancers and that IGF-1 may have little effect on pro- liferation in the absence of oestrogen (28). (See Fig. 107. Marty and W. Intramuscular or subcutaneous narcotic injections for pain should never be used because drug absorption is decreased as a result of the peripheral vasoconstriction.

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9 following Augusts level of 108. 0 ml of the test solution to 100. 17 Reprinted by permission from Nutrition: Concepts and Controversies, 6th edition, by Frances Sienkiewicz Sizer and Elanor Noss Whitney. This leakage completely negates the effectivity of the honeycomb. If loci were locked together permanently on a chro- mosome, allelic combinations would always be the same.

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