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1 Skin Temperature Goal Apply the temperature conversion formulas. 385 Figure 2-2: Use a computer to send and receive digital data. Gallstones in children: characterization by age, etiology and outcome. Irradiation is a relatively simple process. Watanabe TM, Sato T, Gonda K, Higuchi H. As general guidelines, a transsphenoidal approach is preferred in all but the following circumstances: (1) a tumor with significant anterior extension into the anterior cranial fossa or lateral andor posterior extension into the middle or posterior cranial fossae, (2) a tumor with suprasellar extension and an hour-glass configuration that is constrained by a small diaphragmatic aperture, (3) when there is reason to believe that the consistency of a tumor having suprasellar extension is sufficiently fibrous to prevent its collapse and descent into the sella when resected from below, and (4) if there is doubt about the actual nature of the pathology (for example, meningioma).

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