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Kay J, Minkel DT, Gustafson AB et al. This type of test reveals more important information on the role of proteins in health and disease than measuring the quantity of proteins (See Liu Y et al 1999 Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 96:14694; Okerberg ES et al 2005 Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 102:4996). Megabowel Conservative management for 6 months Success Failure Anorectal junction muscle biopsy Ganglion cells absent Ganglion cells present Surgery Success Myomectomy Failure Megarectum Stoma formationcolonic physiology Megacolon Functioning proximal large bowel Non-functioning proximal large bowel Proctectomy and coloanal anastomosis Restorative proctocolectomy Figure 13.

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