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The interface in between the physiological mechanism forming biosignals and the registered biosignal, M. Both chlorine and bromine undergo a photochemical chain reaction with hydrogen. Lett. Although virus- related tumors are rare, research into them has made a decisive contribution to our understanding of oncogenes and their func- tioning. Koreans. See Alternating optimization Approximation theory, 474 approximation kernel example, 477, 477f regularity, 476 reproduction of the polynomials, 476 strang-fix equivalence, 475 Archive server, 863 processes in the archive server, 866t Archive software components, 865 ArcView® GIS, 901 Arealength method, 423 Artificial neural networks (ANNs), 67, 367 Arterial system, 318 Arterial tree morphometry, 317, 327 data acquisition forvascular morphometry, 319 definitions, 318 discussion and conclusions, 333 functions of arterial trees, 318 image processing methods, 318, 321 in pulmonary hypertension research, 326 properties of arterial trees, 319 Index Armed forces health longitudinal technology application (AHLTA), 872 Asymptotic decider, 786 Asynchronous transfer mode (ATM), 858 Atlas-based methods, 204205 Atlases of cortical patterns, 715 Atlas image, 313f Automated matching, 651 Automated thresholding for brain extraction, 204 Automatic contour, 203 Automatic exposure control (AEC), 382 Averaging spatial transformations, 567 Axial FLAIR slice, of brain, 135f Axial sampling, 517 Axis-aligned sheet-buffer method, 794 B Backus-Gilbert philosophy, 25 Band-pass filter, 16f, 17f Batch algorithm, 118 Bayesian belief networksm (BBNs), 367, 368, 369f, 374f Bayesian objective function, 172 Bayesian probability terminology, 238 Bayesian registration models, 648 Bayes rule, 118, 120, 172 Bayes theorem, 148, 238 BCa confidence intervals, 941 BCC.

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Section B, Developing the skills of visualization which consists of four chapters, follows on from Section A. These basis functions will be generated as the eigenfunctions of Hˆ obtained at a fixed value ρρp: Hˆ (ρp)k(θ φ; ρp) εk(ρp)k(θ φ; ρp) (14. The treatment for amiodarone-induced hypothyroid- ism is thyroid hormone replacement.Huls G. " To the extent that we live in the having mode, we must fear dying. Dig Dis Sci 2005;50:178590.

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