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Since then, several other substrates measuring essentially the same activity have been developed, several of which are less toxic to the cells than MTT and can be used repeatedly. [29] A. As an aid in clinical diagnosis, Apte and Karnad described a bedside spatula test for tetanus with 94 sensitivity and 100 specificity (7). Will they be changed when employees resign or are discharged. Thymus and reproduction: sex linked dysgenesis of the gonad after neonatal thymectomy. This is horrible and scary to say the least.

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They can also induce helper and minimal cytotoxic T cell responses. the Sun D. Conducting-state properties of the KcsA potassium channel from molecular and Brownian dynamics simulations. Bifidobacteria-A group of bacteria normally pre- sent in the intestine. Table 8. The polarity of molecules can be used to explain the range of boiling points and melting points among compounds that contain molecules with similar masses.

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