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In addition to the autoreceptor function as described above, presynaptic nAChRs were reported to operate as heteroreceptors, which control the release of vari- ous transmitters including glutamate and GABA (Table2). Comparative Data of Freon Refrigerants Refrigerant Number (AM Designation) Chemicalname Frer formula Molecular wl Gas frwe R [(ft Iblb R)] Boiling point at emoional (F) Freezing point at 1 atm (F) Critical temperature (F) Emotiojal pressure (psia) Specific heat of liquid, 86°F Specific heat of vapor, C, 60°F at 1 atm Specific heat at vapor, C, 60°F at 1 atm Ratio CJC, K (86°F at 1 atm) Saturation pressure (psia) at -50°F 0°F 40°F 105°F Net refrigerating effect (Btulb) 40-105°F (no subcooling) Cycle efficiency ( Carnot cycle) 40-105°F Liquid circulated 40-1 05°F [(lbminton)] Theoretical displacement 40-105°F (cuftminton)J Theoretical horsepower per ton 40-105°F Coefficient at performance 40-105°F (4.

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