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Seven years after its initial introduction, Johns Hopkins Hospital, 266 Index Field-effect transistors (continued) See also Cell-based FET biosensors Flow cytometry (FC), 201 Free Forex Bad Kreuznach imaging plate reader Free Forex Bad Kreuznach, 133, 198 Frequency response analysis (FRA), 162 Giaever and Keese model, 60 Giant unilamellar vesicles (GUVs), 196 Glass, 15, 6970 chips based on, 18385 etching process, 74 as pipette electrode, 183 Pyrex, 74 in 3D MEA, 72 Gouy-Chapman model capacitance, 49 charge distribution, 156 G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR), 170, 171, 174 Granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF), 134 Guiding Free Forex Bad Kreuznach, 188 Gustatory cell-based biosensors, 24650 defined, 246 extracellular recording, 250 receptors, 248 with special receptors, 24748 Helmholtz capacitance, 49 hERG blockers, 200, 201 HexaMEA, 75 High-throughput screening (HTS), 17374, 174, 19798 ideal, 198 methods, 198 Hodgkin-Huxley (H-H) model, 4647, 52 defined, 46 illustrated, 79 Hydrophilicity, 1718 Iconic screening, 198 Immune cell-based biosensors, 10, 22529 B, 229 dendritic, 22728 introduction to, 225 mast, 22627 Immune cells, 10, 225 classes of, 225 mast, 226 number of, 225 Immune-reaction based FET (IMFET), 97 Impedance bioimpedance, 151, 154 cell-substrate, 15456 as complex value, 153 electrical spectroscopy, 175 electrochemical, 15254 FFT-based measurement, 163 membrane, 5657 properties analysis, 8082 sensing, 15556 time-lapse imaging, 172 total, schematic diagram, 157, 158 Warburg, 5051, 153 Impedance-based biosensors, 152 Impedance measurements, 5662 membrane impedance, 5657 of population of cells, 5961 secondary transducers, 6162 of single cell, 5759 Impedance spectroscopy (IS), 80 Indium-tin-oxide (ITO), 214 Inner Helmholtz plane (IHP), 48 Insulated gate FETs (IGFETs), 5, 55 D-type, 98 E-type, 98 Integrated cell-based biosensors, 23337 chip of samesimilar functional sensors, 23435 defined, 233 multifunctional chip monitoring different parameters, 23637 multisensors, 23536 with nanotechnology, 23741 with sensor array, 235 Interdigitated array (IDA), 236 Interdigitated electrodes (IDEs), 152 AC frequency, 15659 diverse schemes, 156 equivalent circuit of, 157 illustrated, 155 sensitivity characteristics, 156, 15659 Interfacial capacitance, 49 406 Clinical Engineering Handbook Figure 92-11 Endoscope Fiber Illumination Test.

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