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The n values of w are clearly distinct, for if ei[(e2kn)ln]ei[(e2hr)nth]e, n (8 2kn)ln (8 2hn)ln 2mn, for some integerm. The remaining seats went to the Botswana National Front led by Otswoletse Mou- po (6 seats) and the Botswana Congress Party led by Mokgweetsi Kgosipula (1 seat). The possibility of achieving controlled thermonuclear power on a practical basis has not yet been demonstrated, but progress in recent years gives encouragement that fusion reactors can be in operation in the twenty-first century.

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Näppi et al. Integral equation with the Hermitian kernel Kernel K(x,y) is referred to as Hermitian, if it coincides with its Hermitian adjoint kernel K(x,y) K(x,y). Applications Areas of particular applicability are for solutions so dilute that the indicator blank is excessive or when the color change is not sharp perhaps because titration reactions that are incomplete in the vicinity of the equivalence point or when extraneous colored materi- als are present in the sample.

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