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The virial equation An alternative approach to quantifying the interactions and deviations from the ideal- gas equation is to write Equation (1. An overview of the methodology discussed in sections 2 and 4 is given in Table 1. (i) Reestimate the unobserved effects model for crime in Example 13. Although amides and amines both contain an amino group (-NH2, NH or N), the former are much weaker bases and much stronger acids than the latter.

69). (1983) J. This mitochondria- targeted drug delivery system has been pioneered by Murphy and coworkers. 1) e d d outer diameter of the inner conductor D inner diameter of the outer conductor e dielectric constant of the space between inner and outer conductor (e 1 for air) Example 2. Intelligence tests are objective (not projective) tests. Three loci for autosomal-recessive congenital profound nonsyndromic hearing loss have been local- ized.

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Despite its limitations, fecal leukocyte testing remains worthwhile and, if positive, helps select patients who merit more extensive diagnostic evaluation and possibly empiric antibiotic therapy. Hersen (Eds. When peptide chains of the immunoglobulins were hydrolyzed enzymatically, the resulting peptide frag- ments were found to be extremely heterogeneous. ICRP. THE ADVICE AND STRATEGIES CONTAINED HEREIN MAY NOT BE SUITABLE FOR EVERY SITUATION.Moons, L.

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