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100) ee where B is the magnetic field. 945 0. Index Note: page numbers in italics refer to figures, those in bold refer to tables Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia 117, 178 amphoterocin B 114,115 action 179 combination with 5-flucytosine 134 ampicillin 93, 94, 95 candidiasis superinfection 136 Gram-negative bacteria lysis 167 Haemophilus influenzae resistance 145 kidney infection 141 typhoid fever 142 «-amyl alcohol 40 amylase 83 anaphylactic reactions 299 anaphylaxis 135 anaphylotoxins 292 anionic surfactants 357 ankylosing spondylitis 301 antagonism 128 anthelmintics, imidazole derivatives 120, 121 anthrax 27 vaccine 311 anti-inflammatory drugs 301 anti-sense agents 466 antibacterial agents, non-antibiotic cell wall targetting 256 cellular targets 260, 261 cytoplasm effects 258-9 cytoplasmic membrane activity 257-8 mode of action 256-9, 260, 261, 262 multitarget reactors 259, 262 antibacterial agents, semi-solid 248-9 [Aw] see water activity abortion 72 178 432-4 341,433 brucellosis air-filtration systems air-sampling machine albumin, human serum 29 28 403,405 acetic acid 235 340 464 listeriosis abscesses, fibrin deposition acanthamoeba keratitis 207 Acanthamoeba spp.

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