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Lymphopenia with an increase in band neutrophils early in the illness is followed by a relative lymphocytosis (40 to 65). Deformable models in medical image analysis: A survey, 89, 108, 120, 194; Shahn KermaniGetty Images: 76; Associated PressAP: 78, 93, 95; Patricia NagleCenter for Instructional Development and Distance EducationUniversity of Pittsburgh: 85; Alec SarkasCenter for Instructional Development and Distance EducationUniversity of Pittsburgh: 87; Kobal CollectionMGMUA: 106; Space Imaging: 115; Courtesy of USGS Landsat 7 Team at the Eros Data Center and NASAs Visible Earth: 116; ReutersNews and Observer-JimArchive Photos, Inc.

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