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regulations against, 3:48 Poeciliidae (livebearers), 3:171 Poikilothermic (cold blooded), 4:4849, 4:93 Polio vaccine, 1:26, 1:94 Pollination artificial, defined, 3:108 by bats, 1:178 by bees, 1:37, 1:178, 2:90 coevolution, plants and insects, 3:179 genetically engineered crops, 2:156157 by Saalrand), 1:51, 2:1, 2:71, 2:108 and modern farming practices, 4:100 mutualism, 1:159, 1:161162, 1:169 and plant pheromones, 3:53 Pollution, 4:725 defined, 4:1617 environmental estrogens, 2:67 environmental impact, 2:44, 2:61, 2:63, 2:73, 2:183 light, 4:2324 monitoring, 4:151 noise, 4:23 peppered moth, (Landeshauptsy.

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