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Arido - elemento de tierra que incluyen principalmente partfculas de tierra arcillosa, legamo y arena juntados por una sus- tancia de tipo de gel formada par materia organica. References [1] E. 264 5. See also Polymethylmethacryla te (PMMA) cement allergic reaction to, 132 alterations of, 99101 antibiotic addition for, 101, 117, 215216 bioresorbable, 104 calcium-phosphate, 104 compressive strengths of, 100 Conformitè Europèene approval of, 99 cytotoxicity of, 92, 104 distribution of, 167168 embolization of, 213, 219 fatigue of, 101102 FDA approval of, 99, 112 fill of, 251, 253254, 259, 261262 for hips, 297 injection of, 100, 113115, 124128, 137 in extreme vertebroplasty, 189190 in PS, 200202, 205 in PV, 163164 leakage of, 10, 21, 29, 75, 77, 80, 95, 9798, 100, 112, 124128, 131, 177, 216218 in disc space, 213214 in extreme vertebroplasty, 185186, 189, 190191 imaging of, 115116, 212, 217218 in KP, 134, 146, 211, 290, 293 in KP v.

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