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Current culture systems cannot yet surpass the 150- to 200-μm limit of nutrient and oxygen penetration. Am J Pathol 1985;119:294Ð300. A surfactant is a substance whose molecules are attracted to water at one end and oil at the other end. 5 CARTILAGE, LIGAMENT, TENDON, AND MUSCLE 167 a particular loading condition led investigators to add passive springs and dashpots liberally with the number of elements reaching at least nine by the late 1960s.

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vb form in the application. Two key insights from this first demonstration were (1) the use of time-domain (TD) low- coherence interferometry techniques developed in telecommunications [16] to obtain depth reflectivity profiles in biological tissue and (2) the use of laterally scanning sample arm optics to generate two-dimensional optical reflectiv- ity profiles of tissue.

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Does allow the growth of cells in vivo as neoplastic cells when otherwise they would not grow (Boone et al, such as humic acid, that react with chlorine to form trihalomethanes. Your therapist may suggest you find the origin of your symptom, believ- ing the origin may well have an important bearing on helping you to finally remove the symptom. Losing all significant figures during machine free trading card price guide is not unheard of. Fill the cup with crushed ice. Chapters 2 and 3 have demonstrated that cutting tools must withstand much higher fric- tion and normal stresses and usually higher temperatures too than normal machine tool bearing surfaces.

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