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596 C C (See also programming languages), 27, 474, 503 C (See also programming languages), 27, 54 cadavers, 387 calcification, 426 calculus, 3, 20, 39, 73, 163, 164, 165, 166, 178, 527 calculus of finite differences, 163, 164, 166, 178 calibration, 347 Caml (See also programming languages), 27 canonical form, 216, 217, 218, 221, 227,295 of ordinary differential equations, 216 of partial differential equations, 295 capacitive currents, 255 capacitor, 15,255 capillary permeability, 210 cardiovascular conditions, 438 model, 15 problems, 15 response, 15, 21 system, 2, 15, 16, 21,419, 516 Cartesian coordinate, 329 catalysis, enzyme, 213,229, 507 Cauchy condition, 297, 298 cell array, 46, 47, 48, 51, 61,361,399, 402 culture, 89 differentiation, 211,264, 266, 270, 284, 285 epidermal, 271,277 membrane, 7, 9, 213,255,290, 291 migration, 121,211,273,293 INDEX motility, 211, 271,293 phenotype, 211,264 receptor, 340 replication, 264, 284 cells bacteria, 284 bone, 211,264 embryonic, 211 embryonic stem, 211 muscle, 211, 264 nerve, 255, 261 neural, 213 progenitor, 211 skin, 211,264 cellular, 2, 14, 86, 89, 211, 212, 264, 273,280,289 migration, 211, 271 central difference, 167, 176, 177, 300, 301,302, 305,306, 317, 325,326 central difference operator, 167 central moments, 350 central tendency, measures of, 349 characteristic equation, 537, 539, 541,576, 577, 580 matrix, 520, 521 polynomial, 459 root, 246, 575 chemical, 1, 3, 7, 9, 1O, 67, 89, 207, 208, 212, 284, 419, 509 engineering, 2 chemistry, 3, 7, 65, 153 chloride, current, 255 circuits, 1 circulation, 2, 16, 435,438 circulatory system, 419, 423,509, 510 class, 27, 53, 54, 247, 295, 31O, 317 hierarchy, 53 method, 53, 54 variable, 53, 54 Contents xi CHAPTER 10 Research and Application: Examples 207 10.

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